



Breast Augmentation

increase the size of the women breasts

The aim of breast augmentation surgery is to increase the size of the breasts in women who consider their volume insufficient. It allows you to reshape the silhouette by offering greater harmony between the chest and the rest of the body.


Main indications for breast augmentation

The request often concerns rather young women with underdeveloped breasts. Some suffer from a total absence of breasts (this is called breast hypotrophy). This intervention makes it easy to resolve this often poorly experienced situation, which can have significant psychological repercussions.

The installation of breast prostheses is possible in adulthood from the moment puberty is completely completed.

Women whose breasts have lost volume following significant weight loss or multiple pregnancies may also request breast augmentation. Depending on the case, in the event of sagging of the breasts, we will rather speak of a breast lift.



Consultation for breast augmentation

As always, during the first consultation, I present the main points of the intervention to you but above all I listen to you so that you express your wishes and ask all the questions that seem important to you.

I will present to you the different types of prostheses in different sizes. I will show you photographs so you can appreciate the results before and after the procedure. Thanks to a specific bra, fittings are possible to precisely judge the volume of the prostheses and the effect on your figure.

The prior consultation also makes it possible to evaluate the technique and the approach for fitting the prosthesis.

At the end of this consultation, an information sheet and a quote for the intervention will be given to you.


The different types of breast implants

Breast prostheses are designed to closely approximate the shape of a breast both visually and to the touch, whether you are standing or lying down. They are most often composed of a silicone envelope filled with a cohesive gel also made of silicone which allows them to reproduce the appearance of the breasts. They are of course available in several volumes measured in cubic centimeters (cc) in order to adapt to all body types.

There are two types of breast implants: round or anatomical prostheses.



Before the intervention

Like any cosmetic surgery, a blood test is carried out in the event of general anesthesia. You will also consult the anesthesiologist at least 48 hours before the procedure. Additional tests may be prescribed, in particular a mammogram or an ultrasound.

It is important to stop smoking at least one month before the procedure so that it does not interfere with good healing. Likewise, aspirin and anti-inflammatories are prohibited ten days before the procedure.


Breast augmentation procedure

Breast augmentation using prostheses is performed under light general anesthesia and lasts between 1 hour and 2 hours. Breast prostheses are introduced through a short incision located on the areola (areolar route), or in the armpit (axillary route). The choice of approach is made according to your anatomy and the type of prosthesis chosen.

The axillary route will hide the scar under the armpit and avoid touching the mammary gland, which is advantageous for women with very little breast.

The areolar route will leave a scar which will be camouflaged by the edge of the areola. This approach is obligatory when the breast is also raised.

Depending on the case, the prostheses are placed in front or behind the muscle (retroglandular or retropectoral position). The position of the prosthesis is chosen according to your anatomy. The retropectoral position is indicated for thin patients with very little chest to achieve a natural result.

Generally, the procedure requires one night in the clinic. The sutures are made with absorbable thread.

At the end of the procedure, the bra with a condenser acts as a dressing and must be kept for a month.



After breast augmentation surgery

Following breast prosthesis surgery can be painful the first few days, especially when the implant is placed behind the pectoral muscle. They are calmed with analgesic and muscle relaxant treatment for a few days. The pain will ease and disappear after a few days.

Convalescence and work leave of 4 to 8 days should be considered.

The dressing is removed 4 days after the procedure. The patient keeps the support bra for about a month.

Sports activities can be resumed gradually after 15 days.

The installation of breast prostheses does not prevent breastfeeding, does not interfere with breast radiological monitoring and above all does not promote the appearance of breast cancer. We recommend respecting a period of 6 months before pregnancy.


The result of breast augmentation

The result is immediately appreciated even if the final appearance will take place within a few weeks. It is completely stable over time.

Complete healing may require between 1 and 3 months. The breast which may have lost its sensitivity will regain it at the end of this period.

The lifespan of a breast prosthesis is 10 to 15 years. An annual inspection visit allows you to check that they are in good condition.



Cost of the intervention

Complications from breast enlargement surgery are rare. It concerns the risks associated with any surgical intervention (infection, necrosis, etc.).

Swelling and bruising are common and are the usual consequences of the procedure which will disappear within a few days.

The most classic risks are linked to delays in healing and alteration of the sensitivity of the operated area which is always reversible over time.


Risks and complications of breast augmentation

Infection requires antibiotic treatment and sometimes surgical drainage. A hematoma may require evacuation.

To remain flexible, the breast implant is never filled under tension. As a result, the folds of the prosthesis envelope may be visible under the skin, giving a “wave” appearance, particularly in the upper, outer and lower parts of the breast. The new, more cohesive silicone gels now available greatly reduce this risk.

The formation of a fibrous capsule around a breast implant is systematic. This is a normal reaction of the body, which forms a kind of fibrous membrane around any foreign body to isolate and protect it.

It’s when this reaction becomes exaggerated and pathological that we speak of a “shell”.

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Frequently Asked Questions
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Is the intervention reimbursed by social security?

This procedure, considered cosmetic surgery, is not reimbursed by social security unless you suffer from a total absence of breasts.

The installation of breast prostheses allows breastfeeding without any problem whatever the type of prosthesis, the approach and the position of the prosthesis

It is common for the procedure to occasionally reduce the sensitivity of the nipples. But in most cases, the patient regains normal sensitivity after 3 to 6 months.

Breast implants do not pose a problem for this type of examination. The prostheses support compression perfectly.

You can practice your favorite sports approximately 1 month after the procedure. Only high-level sporting activities requiring a lot of the pectoralis major muscle should be noted (swimming or climbing) because they can influence the choice of implant positioning.

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