


Breast Lift


Presentation of the intervention

A seductive asset, breasts are the object of all attention, more than any other part of the female body. The word itself, “breast” (Latin etymology sinus: curvature, fold), appeared during the period of Courtly Love, gradually supplanted the word “nipple” or “teat”.


Main indications for breast lift surgery

Concretely, the lifting is indicated for women whose breasts have sagged following pregnancy or significant weight variations, or due to aging of the tissues.

It is strongly recommended to wait until the end of pregnancies before considering this type of intervention, but it can be performed at any age if the breast ptosis is significant and is accompanied by a strong psychological impact. The operation can possibly be combined with another intervention, in particular a breast augmentation.



Consultation for a mastopexy

The first consultation is important because it will allow you to express your expectations taking into account your body shape while asking all the practical questions related to the intervention so that a dialogue of trust can be established between us.

During this consultation, I will examine you and present the different surgical solutions best suited to your case and your request, in particular the technique used.

I will also show you photos before / after the intervention close to your case to visualize concrete examples.

I will give you an information sheet and a personalized quote. A legal period of 15 days of reflection must be observed before making your decision for the intervention.


The different breast lift techniques

The technique is similar to breast reduction, except that only excess skin is removed and not excess glands. The breast tissue is tightened to lift and firm the breasts. The excess skin is essentially redraped downward into the inframammary fold.

If the breast volume is satisfactory, its curve will be ensured by the cone-shaped remodeling of the sagging gland. If the breasts are small or sagging to the point of appearing “empty”, it will probably be necessary to implant prostheses to obtain satisfactory results. Lifting the breasts and re-concentrating the gland causes the breasts to lose some volume.

Breast fat injection (or breast lipofilling) can be an alternative to implants. The technique has the advantage of avoiding a scar, but it only allows for a moderate increase in breast volume. In addition, it is primarily intended for patients with sufficient excess fat (located for example on the thighs or stomach) and who have not exceeded a certain age.

The scar left by the procedure is called an inverted “T” as for breast reductions: vertical under the areola, and horizontal in the submammary fold. Another approach around the areola can limit this scar ransom.



Before the mastopexy procedure

Preoperative examinations are mandatory: a breast ultrasound and/or a mammogram to check the health of the breast. A blood test is also prescribed, most often, the intervention is performed under general anesthesia. Consultation with the anesthesiologist is necessary at least 48 hours before the intervention.

The purchase of a specific bra for good post-operative support is prescribed. It will be brought on the day of the operation.

Taking medication containing aspirin or anti-inflammatories is prohibited in the 10 days preceding the procedure.

In case of general anesthesia, it is necessary to fast for 6 hours before the procedure.

Tobacco use should be stopped or reduced as much as possible one month before and one month after the procedure. Indeed, tobacco can cause healing problems.


Mastopexy surgery

The procedure involves remodeling the glandular tissue, repositioning and, if necessary, reducing the areola with skin tightening. The procedure lasts approximately 2 to 3 hours. In the majority of cases, it is performed under general anesthesia.

The surface skin sutures are made with threads placed in the thickness of the skin (intradermal suture) which are therefore invisible. These threads are absorbable and do not require removal.

At the end of the operation a dressing is applied to the scar and the support bra is put in place.



After the intervention

Hospitalization is most often limited to the night following the operation. It is sometimes possible to leave the same day. A feeling of painful tension in the operated area causing discomfort in mobility may be felt. This pain, moderate in the resting position, will ease and disappear in a few days after the operation.

One week after the operation, I will see you for a post-operative consultation to replace the initial dressing with a waterproof adhesive dressing, allowing you to take showers. This dressing, to be changed every 8 days, will be kept for a month, as will the support bra.

Swelling (edema) and bruising (ecchymosis) in the chest area are usually very mild and disappear almost completely after about ten days.

The redraping of excess skin around the areola may initially produce some periareolar puckering, more or less significant depending on the excess skin removed. They will completely disappear within a few weeks or months.

Follow-up visits take place a week after the operation, then at 15 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year.

Professional unavailability of 4 to 5 days in the majority of cases is to be expected. Resuming a sporting activity can be considered 1 month after the operation by wearing a support bra, limiting yourself to painless movements. In addition, you should not raise your arms too high and avoid significant physical effort.

Direct exposure to the sun should be avoided for the first 6 weeks. It is then permitted with a sunscreen with a maximum protection factor. Any exposure should be avoided as long as there are bruises or the scar is pink. Breastfeeding is possible. However, it is advisable to respect a period of 6 months before considering pregnancy, so that the breast takes its final shape.

The Result

Results of a mastopexy

The new curve of the breasts is immediately visible. Even if the shape is a little tight at first, it will soften in the weeks following the operation. 1 to 3 months are necessary for the tissues to heal and for the breast to be supple and natural while recovering its sensitivity. In the long term, the result is stabilized in a lasting way.

The risks and complications are the same as for reduction mammoplasties.

Cost of a breast lift procedure

The cost of the procedure will depend on the procedure to be performed, the duration of the procedure, the type of anesthesia, and any hospitalization costs.

If the reason for the intervention is purely aesthetic, it does not give rise to reimbursement by Social Security. On the other hand, it may be covered by this organization and, if applicable, by your mutual insurance company under certain conditions, in particular in the case of complete congenital atrophy of the mammary gland, significant asymmetry of breast volume, or even breast deformation.

Signs of Aging

Effectively Fight Against Aging

You are a woman ? You would like to be informed and advised for a surgical or aesthetic medicine procedure. Let yourself be guided.