


Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant

FUE hair transplant for the treatment of baldness

Doctor Laurent Dumas is a specialist in FUE and FUT hair transplantation which he has been practicing for many years for men and women. The office on avenue d’Eylau is equipped with an operating theater dedicated to transplantation for a safe and comfortable procedure, carried out in the best conditions.


Hair loss and baldness

Hair loss and baldness are phenomena that will affect 75% of men and 25% of women. When it is early, hair loss can be unpleasant. It will of course be necessary to diagnose that this loss is of the androgenetic type to the exclusion of other causes such as stress, hair diseases, trauma, etc.

Androgenetic baldness is the acceleration of the hair cycle which causes hair to fall out too early. The phenomenon is well known even if its causes are not yet fully explained. Genetic influence is important, a father or grandfather who lost his hair early is an obvious indication.

Baldness is measured using different clearly identified stages during which hair transplant sessions may be indicated.

Hair transplantation is the only method to treat baldness. PRP-type techniques or medications can effectively slow down hair loss but in no way regrow fallen hair.



FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant

FUE transplantation is the hair transplantation technique now used almost exclusively except when contraindications require it such as frizzy hair.

Its numerous advantages have made it the reference technique:

  • No pain.
  • No scars.
  • Very good density.
  • Very natural results.

FUE hair transplantation is easily adapted to the patient’s request according to their wish for restoration. It is the only technique that allows up to several thousand hairs to be implanted in one session. The FUE technique ensures reliable and rapid regrowth and perfectly natural results.


Principle of the FUE hair implant technique

The principle of the intervention consists of taking hair from the hippocratic crown at the back of the skull to replant them forward on the balding areas.

The Hippocratic crown of hair is not affected by the fall. It is genetically preserved whatever the stage of baldness. Due to their location, if we replant these hairs in other places on the skull, they no longer fall out. It is therefore from this donor area that hair transplantation on balding areas is envisaged. The FUE transplant has improved considerably in recent years. The miniaturization of operating instruments allows extremely precise intervention.

The FUE transplant is based on follicular units. A follicular unit is made up of 1 to 3 hairs, which gives the density of the hair. The FUE transplant allows follicular units to be re-implanted one by one from the back of the skull towards the areas to be replenished: forelock, tonsure, gulfs, frontal line, etc.

Using a micro punch (a mini motorized sampling device measuring less than a millimeter in diameter), the surgeon takes hair from the donor area while preserving its density. The collected hair becomes grafts which are preserved in an enriched solution before being sorted manually in order to be re-implanted. The reimplantation of the grafts on the bald areas is done using a micro forceps hair by hair while preserving each follicular unit. A micro incision allows the follicular unit to be grafted very precisely.



Know-how and talent of the surgeon

Hair transplantation is not accessible to just any surgeon. This one must be a specialist because the work is extremely fine. It must also be experienced to master both the extraction procedure to preserve the grafts and especially the implantation procedure so that the direction of regrowth is natural and conforms to the characteristics of the patient’s hair. The implantation and mixing of the follicular units will create an effect of hair density which will make the graft perfectly undetectable. These are the keys to a successful transplant.

Given the thoroughness and precision of the work, an FUE hair transplant session is a long job that will last several hours and sometimes the entire day. This is proof of the seriousness, involvement and professionalism of the surgeon and his team. There are automated operating aids which can increase the speed of the procedure but unfortunately these do not guarantee good preservation of the extracted grafts. When it comes to hair implants, nothing replaces the surgeon’s action.

Everything is planned for your comfort so that the session is as pleasant as possible. The procedure is not painful, it is carried out under simple local anesthesia. The FUE grafting technique leaves no scars.


Progress of your FUE hair transplant


Doctor Laurent Dumas receives you for a consultation to establish the transplant diagnosis based on a personalized hair assessment during which the hair capacity of your donor area and the possibility of additional analyzes will be explored. A blood test is prescribed before any hair transplant, checking the absence of contraindications, for a procedure carried out under local anesthesia.

He will present the procedure to you in detail and give you all the pre-operative instructions. A quote and informed consent are established and signed, leading to a mandatory 15-day reflection period.

Before the intervention

Preoperative photographs are taken. An antibiotic shampoo will have been applied the morning of the procedure.


Progress of the intervention

It is performed under local anesthesia. Doctor Dumas precisely identifies the areas to be implanted and then proceeds to collect the grafts, up to several thousand hairs. This phase lasts approximately one to two hours.

The harvested implants are sorted and prepared for reimplantation. The reimplantation phase lasts between 3 and 4 hours depending on the number of follicular units.

After the intervention

The sequels are very light. There is no bandage. A post-operative consultation is planned 2 to 3 days after the operation.

Rarely, edema in the grafted area may appear 24 to 48 hours later, but it disappears after 3 to 4 days.

The micro hair collection points from the donor area at the back of the head heal in 2 or 3 days.

Micro scabs will form at the graft implantation points. They will fall off after a week. Some implanted hair will fall out with it, which is perfectly normal. The implanted sebaceous hair follicle remains firmly in place, allowing the transplanted hair to grow back from the 3rd month onwards at a typical growth rate of 1 cm per month.

Post-operative consultations make it possible to monitor the smooth progress of this process. The final result of your transplant can be assessed from 6 months after the operation.

Should you shave your hair?

For a large FUE transplant session with a lot of density required or a large reimplantation area, shaving of the hair is mandatory to allow extensive harvesting and placement of the grafts.

For more limited interventions, shaving is not necessary. Only the donor area is shaved, which can easily be camouflaged by long hair. The extraction of follicles is therefore more circumscribed and the reimplantation concerns more limited areas.

The cost

Hair transplantation requires an on-site quote during the consultation. The cost of implanting a graft is between 3 euros and 3.50 euros.

Frequently Asked Questions
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I am 29 years old, and the beginnings of baldness on the top of my head which is starting to be visible a lot, I have straight hair and we are starting to seriously see my scalp, the number of grafts to take and re-implant is being decided the day of the first consultation?

Indeed, during the first hair transplant consultation, I will advise you on the number of grafts to replant and will give you the corresponding quotes based on your desire and what it will be possible to do.

I perform transplants on all types of hair including frizzy hair and I specialize in hair implants. I use the FUE technique as well as the FUT technique.

A hair transplant seems entirely possible in your case if your donor allows it, a consultation is necessary in order to establish a precise quote. Indeed, it will depend on the number of grafts to be implanted.

The prices for an FUE transplant are as follows: 800 grafts: €3,000 incl. tax 1200 grafts: €3800 incl. tax 1500 grafts: €4500 incl. tax 1750 grafts: €5000 incl. tax 2000 grafts: €5500 incl. tax That said, the quote may vary depending on each person, so a consultation is necessary beforehand.

It is entirely possible to remove grafts without leaving a scar, do not hesitate to contact my assistant on 01 46 47 40 99 to arrange a consultation appointment.

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